The Benefits of Laser Facial Hair Removal

There are many different reasons that people suffer from excess facial hair. Whether it’s menopause, menopause, excessive grooming or just plain vanity, many people deal with unwanted hair. Many use various solutions to remove it including shaving, hair removal cremes, or waxing and tweezing. However, there is another option to consider – laser facial hair removal.

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Laser facial hair removal is performed by using lasers to remove the unwanted hair. It is an expensive procedure, but a very effective one, and a much faster way to remove unwanted hair. It is safe for most people, but it does require several sessions in order to achieve the desired results. So don’t put off any more time and money until you’ve had a few.

In order to make laser removal work, the hair must be darker than the skin surrounding it. So whitening procedures, whether it be for acne or excess hair, must be carried out before the laser treatment. There are 2 types of laser hair removal that are available for both men and women. One is the diode laser and another is the alexandrite laser. Alexandrite lasers are more effective on dark hair, but use a heavier laser and more sessions may be required. If you have light blond hair you don’t require alexandrite removal as it is too difficult to use the alexandrite laser. Diode lasers are normally used on white or very light hair. The light creates heat that eliminates the hair follicle and so the hair doesn’t grow back. Diode lasers are more comfortable and less painful than alexandrite lasers.

Another method that can be used for small areas is IPL. This system is similar to laser treatment, and involves the use of a large flash of laser light to kill the hair follicle. IPL is known to work better on lighter hair and darker skin.

fortunate for us there are now available home devices that can perform laser hair removal at home. The devices use Home Pulsed Light™ technology. This technology can be used from home, and allows you to operate the laser using your hand held device. It is no different from having a professional in a clinic, performing the procedure. It is possible to buy devices that can be used in the comfort of your own home.

Another thing that must be kept in mind is time required to achieve hair removal. Lasers work best on light skin, so expect to have to spend at least an hour in a clinic for the entire treatment.

Laser hair removal is a great way to get rid of unwanted hair, and remove unsightly hair from a small area. It is much faster than electrolysis, and last for 3 to 6 months. After undergoing this treatment you can go back to work, and brag about your smooth skin to your friends.

For most people this treatment is not uncomfortable, and best of all it is cost effective. It can be a great way to save money, and feel confident in your skin and body.

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